A 1975 Roosevelt Dime Worth $350,000? How To Tell If You Have One Of These Rare Dimes

Rare 1975 Dime Value

Did you know there’s a rare 1975 Roosevelt dime worth $350,000 500,000? (See update below.)

It’s true, and it’s probably the most valuable copper-nickel clad United States coin ever made.

Why is an old Roosevelt dime worth so much — and how can you find it?

In this article, you will learn:

  • What makes this rare 1975 Roosevelt dime so special
  • Features to look for on your 1975 dimes
  • The best ways to find rare and valuable dimes like this one

A 1975 Dime Really Sold For $350,000?

Yes! A 1975 Roosevelt dime took nearly $350,000 at auction. The 1975 No-S Roosevelt dime sold for $349,600 in summer 2011.

UPDATE: On September 6, 2019 this same 1975 Roosevelt dime sold for $456,000 at auction. Then, less than 1 week later, it traded hands in a private transaction to a wealthy Roosevelt dime collector for $516,000. This means it increased in value by more than $165,000 in fewer than 10 years!

Amazing, huh?

So why is this Roosevelt dime so rare?

Because only 2 of these special collector coins are known to exist!

They were made accidentally, and it’s thought that very few escaped before a United States Mint employee noticed the error and stopped the presses.

Apparently, at least a couple of these dimes (and maybe more!) escaped from the Mint before anyone could do something about them.

Details To Look For On Your 1975 Dimes

This rare (some would say elusive) 1975 Roosevelt dime does NOT contain an “S” mintmark.

But here’s the kicker…

If you’ve found a no-S 1975 Roosevelt dime in your pocket change, there’s a 99.9% chance it isn’t the rare dime that’s the subject of this post.

Does your 1975 Roosevelt dime look something like the one in this photo?

If so, then it’s NOT the 1975 No-S Roosevelt dime. It is a regular, Philadelphia Mint 1975 Roosevelt dime.

You see, all Roosevelt dimes made at the Philadelphia Mint prior to 1980 have no “P” mintmark. This is totally normal.

It’s understandable that you probably find this to be very disappointing news. But the only way you’re likely to turn up a 1975 No-S Roosevelt dime is by finding it in a 1975 proof set.

What Is A Proof Set?

A proof set is a special set of collector coins that the United States Mint sells to coin collectors each year.

Proof coins are made on specially prepared dies and are struck on polished planchets (coin blanks). Each proof coin is struck multiple times to help bring up minute details. Therefore, most proof coins look very sharply struck and many have shiny, even mirror-like surfaces.

Proof coins have been made in the United States since the 1800s. During that time and into the 1900s, most proof coins were sold individually. Since 1936, proof coins have usually been offered in sets.

Traditionally, proof sets were packaged at the Philadelphia Mint — but since 1968, they’ve been manufactured at the San Francisco Mint.

As you may know by now, most coins that come from the San Francisco Mint have an “S” mintmark. Virtually all proof 1975 Roosevelt dimes have an “S” mintmark. In fact, of the 2,845,450 proof Roosevelt dimes made at the San Francisco Mint in 1975, only 2 of them are known not to have an “S” mintmark — it’s one of the rarest modern U.S. coins!

Proof No-S Roosevelt Dime Values

The 1975 No-S proof Roosevelt dime might be among the rarest of modern dimes, but it’s certainly not the only no-S Roosevelt dime.

Check out these other No-S proof dimes and their current values:

  • 1968 No-S Roosevelt dime — $10,500+
  • 1970 No-S Roosevelt dime — $450+
  • 1983 No-S Roosevelt dime — $400

Other Rare Roosevelt Dimes To Look For

Don’t lose hope of finding a rare Roosevelt dime!

Granted, that 1975 Roosevelt dime you just found is most likely not worth hundreds of thousands of dollars — but there are plenty of other old Roosevelt dimes worth much more than face value.


Check out these valuable, rare Roosevelt dimes you might happen to find in pocket change:

Good luck!

And, if you have any questions, remember that you can always drop a line here in the comments below.

A 1975 Roosevelt Dime Worth $350,000? How To Tell If You Have One Of These Rare Dimes

Rare 1975 Dime Value

Did you know there’s a rare 1975 Roosevelt dime worth $350,000 500,000? (See update below.)

It’s true, and it’s probably the most valuable copper-nickel clad United States coin ever made.

Why is an old Roosevelt dime worth so much — and how can you find it?

In this article, you will learn:

  • What makes this rare 1975 Roosevelt dime so special
  • Features to look for on your 1975 dimes
  • The best ways to find rare and valuable dimes like this one

A 1975 Dime Really Sold For $350,000?

Yes! A 1975 Roosevelt dime took nearly $350,000 at auction. The 1975 No-S Roosevelt dime sold for $349,600 in summer 2011.

UPDATE: On September 6, 2019 this same 1975 Roosevelt dime sold for $456,000 at auction. Then, less than 1 week later, it traded hands in a private transaction to a wealthy Roosevelt dime collector for $516,000. This means it increased in value by more than $165,000 in fewer than 10 years!

Amazing, huh?

So why is this Roosevelt dime so rare?

Because only 2 of these special collector coins are known to exist!

They were made accidentally, and it’s thought that very few escaped before a United States Mint employee noticed the error and stopped the presses.

Apparently, at least a couple of these dimes (and maybe more!) escaped from the Mint before anyone could do something about them.

Details To Look For On Your 1975 Dimes

This rare (some would say elusive) 1975 Roosevelt dime does NOT contain an “S” mintmark.

But here’s the kicker…

If you’ve found a no-S 1975 Roosevelt dime in your pocket change, there’s a 99.9% chance it isn’t the rare dime that’s the subject of this post.

Does your 1975 Roosevelt dime look something like the one in this photo?

If so, then it’s NOT the 1975 No-S Roosevelt dime. It is a regular, Philadelphia Mint 1975 Roosevelt dime.

You see, all Roosevelt dimes made at the Philadelphia Mint prior to 1980 have no “P” mintmark. This is totally normal.

It’s understandable that you probably find this to be very disappointing news. But the only way you’re likely to turn up a 1975 No-S Roosevelt dime is by finding it in a 1975 proof set.

What Is A Proof Set?

A proof set is a special set of collector coins that the United States Mint sells to coin collectors each year.

Proof coins are made on specially prepared dies and are struck on polished planchets (coin blanks). Each proof coin is struck multiple times to help bring up minute details. Therefore, most proof coins look very sharply struck and many have shiny, even mirror-like surfaces.

Proof coins have been made in the United States since the 1800s. During that time and into the 1900s, most proof coins were sold individually. Since 1936, proof coins have usually been offered in sets.

Traditionally, proof sets were packaged at the Philadelphia Mint — but since 1968, they’ve been manufactured at the San Francisco Mint.

As you may know by now, most coins that come from the San Francisco Mint have an “S” mintmark. Virtually all proof 1975 Roosevelt dimes have an “S” mintmark. In fact, of the 2,845,450 proof Roosevelt dimes made at the San Francisco Mint in 1975, only 2 of them are known not to have an “S” mintmark — it’s one of the rarest modern U.S. coins!

Proof No-S Roosevelt Dime Values

The 1975 No-S proof Roosevelt dime might be among the rarest of modern dimes, but it’s certainly not the only no-S Roosevelt dime.

Check out these other No-S proof dimes and their current values:

  • 1968 No-S Roosevelt dime — $10,500+
  • 1970 No-S Roosevelt dime — $450+
  • 1983 No-S Roosevelt dime — $400

Other Rare Roosevelt Dimes To Look For

Don’t lose hope of finding a rare Roosevelt dime!

Granted, that 1975 Roosevelt dime you just found is most likely not worth hundreds of thousands of dollars — but there are plenty of other old Roosevelt dimes worth much more than face value.


Check out these valuable, rare Roosevelt dimes you might happen to find in pocket change:

Good luck!

And, if you have any questions, remember that you can always drop a line here in the comments below.